incineration decision: a first response

unofficial poster

Yesterday I wrote to my ward councillors.  Today I opened an email, sent last night at 20:51.   My first response!  Here it is:

“I have evaluated all your points & have complete confidence in the Council to do the right thing. If you had your way, we would all be living in caves.

Cllr Pam Kreling”

Who is she?  Here she is.  (and the email address she used to respond!)  This is one of my ward councillors, and she serves on no fewer than eight council committees, including Planning and Environmental Protection, Audit and, of all things: Strong and Supportive Communities.

Author: Fiona Radic

Independent in Park Ward Peterborough

4 thoughts on “incineration decision: a first response”

  1. Sorry Adam but it probably was Cllr Krelling. I had a similarily rude and dismissive reply when I wrote to her expressing concern about a genuine issue affecting many of the population in her ward. She doesn’t seem to care if her comments make her sound rude, abraisive and ignorant.


  2. good grief……it can’t have been her… must have been a back room staffer again! seriously, these people are completely out of touch.


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